
Lonely Lonely Christmas...

谁又骑着那鹿车飞过 忘掉投下那礼物给我
凝视那灯饰 只有今晚最光最亮 却照亮我的寂寞

谁又能善心亲一亲我 由唇上来验证我幸福过
头上那飘雪 想要栖息我肩膊上 到最后也别去么

merry,merry christmas Lonely,lonely christmas
人浪中想真心告白 但你只想听听笑话

Lonely,lonely christmas merry,merry christmas
明日灯饰必须拆下 换到欢呼声不过一刹

明晨遇到 亦记不到和谁在醉酒中偷偷拥抱
仍然在傻笑 但你哪知道我想哭

和谁撞到 亦怕生保 宁愿在醉酒中辛苦呕吐
仍然在头痛 合唱的诗歌听不到



~Merry Christmas~


I wanna say

Merry Christmas to all my Lovely Friends & Family

And all tis photo are the gathering of our Brother & Sister at Station 1 on 21/12/2009

First~ Ther r the 3 guys tat their birthday on so nearest~
Ken- 23/12/92
Mandy- 28/1/93
Vivian- 25/3/93

Beautiful gel~ Mandy

Mandy wit my brother

So special... isn't it?

Wat r u thinkin about~?


Tis photo quite good~
Of cause la~
I'm capture de ma~@@

Ha~ so funny...

Look like couple....==
Cool man~!!!

Hey~ wat r u two doing...?


Look not bad~^^

Couple~ Couple~><

So man~==
like gangster on talkin...

Pretty gel~

Look so "chuan"~

Ha~ ha~

Love you ah~


Working Now..

Finally... My house can on9 already....
But... still cannot write wit chinese....

Capture wit my dearest Mandy

Capture with my dearest brother
Di Di Gogor~

At my shop.... See~ I'm siting on the floor....

Belakang me is the other staff.....
Malay Leng Lui

Hey Hey~

Take picture~

My brother de shirt....

Only me on the shop....

My working look~

Guess wat is tis?
Answer: A big stand lamp

Wat a beautiful sky~


Tis is a chess....

A QQ duck~

My shop~

Look so good~

My brother & my hand....

Look so bad~==


Wow~ Green plants~

My hair look so good under sun....
I'm going 2 Bentong~
Aeris de hometown...
Ah~ Miss u~ Boy....


Tis book so good...
The story is about the author with his mother~

Pikom PC Fair at KLCC~

Acer de free gift~

So many people

Fahrenheit in Canon~

Wow~ look so romantic~

My stupid brother....==

Me & the chair....==

Ok~ Tat's all my photo from last last week~
So hard 2 post it up....
Too many ><
And from 15th December I will work all day long~
Cannot go the countdown party wit 4Axin liao....T.T
But... Whatever~
Now is the time we have 2 fight 4 MONEY!!!